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Registration Fees

The authors of the accepted Short Papers (at least one author for each paper) must pay the fee by January 10 in order to have their paper published on the Springer volume, available at the conference.


From February 1 to March 31, 2014 After March 31, 2014
Ph.D. Students 180€ 225€
Others 380€ 420€

The conference fees include: participation to all sessions of the MAF conference, coffee breaks, book of abstracts, Springer volume with short papers and a conference package.

The participants can have their lunch at the conference venue at the special price of 20Euros per day.


To register your participation to the MAF2014 conference, please use the registration form
All cancellations and alterations of your registration can be made by writing to the MAF2014 Secretariat: maf2014@unisa.it

The payment can be made by bank transfer to:

Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche
UniCredit Banca di Roma, Filiale di Fisciano (SA)
IBAN: IT39S0200876210000102458421
Payment Reference: MAF2014 - (First name and Family name)


Note that the bank transfer should include: conference fees, lunches (if selected in the registration form), contribution to the social dinner (if selected in the registration form).


Please, ask your bank to make the transfer at no cost for the recipient.


Copy of the bank receipt has to be sent by e-mail to maf2014@unisa.it or by fax to +39 089 962049.